Check out the counter!
A serialized version of my novel and a bunch of other non-serialized junk.
Check out the counter on the side there! I'm currently 11,198 words shy of the Nanowrimo goal, with 11 days remaining. Victory is in sight, but this is of course no time to rest on my laurels. I honestly can't believe that I got this far, though. I really figured that I'd get a good start but then my interest would wane, I'd take a "break" and then the story would be dead. But I'm really enjoying my novel, and that's keeping me going. Also, I've being trying to stay realistic in my goals - 2000 words a day (which is about 2 hours of writing, give or take) is very doable. I think probably a lot of people get into the problem of trying to get a great start, writing 5000 words a day or something, and then burn out.
Anyway, I'm considering posting the novel in serialized form on this blog. I think that would be a good use of the blog. In addition, I plan to go back to the CD project once Nanowrimo is over (although my novel won't actually be finished by then, I don't think, so blogging will still take a backseat).
Posted by
10:37 PM
Labels: Nanowrimo
So I'm more than halfway to my Nanowrimo goal of 50,000 words in the month of November (notice the counter on the right side of this page). I've been sticking to a goal of 2,000 words a day - some days that's very hard, others quite easy - and it seems to be working. My greatest fear was that I would just lose interest in writing. But here I am at 26,000 words and I feel like the story is just starting to get interesting. And I am, as of this writing, currently in 9th place for wordcount among the 152 Nanowrimo participants in the Milwaukee area!
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1:25 PM
Labels: Nanowrimo
So it's been several days since my last post, and even though I have a stack of cds here to get to, they will have to wait for another day. The reason? Nanowrimo! What's Nanowrimo? That would be National Novel Writing Month, of course! It's an annual event each November, when participants attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in a single month. The rules are simple - start November 1st, end November 30th, and write as many words as you can in between. I first tried two years ago, but I only got a little ways, and what I did write was no more than a thinly-veiled account of my own life. Oh, it had a plot, or would have, had I gotten that far. This time, I actually have a storyline, and I'm making pretty good progress. By the 30th, I'll either have quit in disgrace, or finished but developed carpal tunnel and/or pulled out all of my hair.
If you're interested, check out my profile. Or, better yet, start your own novel! (Well, maybe wait till next year.)
Posted by
10:32 PM
Labels: Nanowrimo