Friday, September 16, 2005

I Rove You

So the President has appointed Karl Rove to head reconstruction of the the Gulf Coast?


Has this President learned literally nothing from the past couple weeks? Karl Rove is a political operative, advisor, and fixer. He is not (repeat - not) an expert in reconstruction. And as we learned from the Michael Brown debacle, having your crony in charge of something reeeeeaaaaaly important is a terrible idea.

This administration never fails to impress me with the massive disconnect between its rhetoric and it's actions. High oratory mixed with stunning incompetence.


Adam said...

Wait wait wait. It STILL surprises you when the administration does something amazing stupid that shows they have no idea what they're doing? Where have you been the last 5 years?

Jake said...

I never said I was surprised. I said I was "impressed" with the level of incompentence. They just keep setting the bar higher.

Adam said...

Well, your "Huh?", even though I realize it was mainly for effect, did seem to indicate a bit of surprise. But, yes, I realized you weren't actually surprised, I just wanted to find a way to say that the administration sucks horribly and that I still can't believe that this country was stupid enough to elected him twice. Oh, look, there I go again. Once I start talking about how horrible the President and everybody working for him are, it's hard to stop.

I hope Jeff stops by to defend him, though. That's always a grand old time.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna ask someone else besides Jeff to come in and try to explain this but 1) I wouldn't feel comfortable sending someone into a lion's den and 2) I don't even know what he thinks of this latest news. Hm.

Adam said...

I'm kinda curious, actually: does ANYBODY actually LIKE Karl Rove? I mean, even if you agree with his politics, you've still gotta admit he's an asshole, right? I have a bad feeling that's not as obvious as I think it is, though.