Monday, November 06, 2006


So it's been several days since my last post, and even though I have a stack of cds here to get to, they will have to wait for another day. The reason? Nanowrimo! What's Nanowrimo? That would be National Novel Writing Month, of course! It's an annual event each November, when participants attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in a single month. The rules are simple - start November 1st, end November 30th, and write as many words as you can in between. I first tried two years ago, but I only got a little ways, and what I did write was no more than a thinly-veiled account of my own life. Oh, it had a plot, or would have, had I gotten that far. This time, I actually have a storyline, and I'm making pretty good progress. By the 30th, I'll either have quit in disgrace, or finished but developed carpal tunnel and/or pulled out all of my hair.

If you're interested, check out my profile. Or, better yet, start your own novel! (Well, maybe wait till next year.)


Adam said...

Oh god, not you too. Everybody I've ever known on the internet has wasted a month of their life on this, I think. Why, god, why?

Jake said...

Geez, Adam, I'm not making you write the damn novel. Besides, I'm not wasting a month of my life - I'm only working about 2 hours on the thing daily.

And the best part is that 1) I actually like the story I'm writing, and 2) this is a great excuse to get back to writing stories, a hobby I used to indulge fairly often but haven't in quite some time.